Last summer, I developed a dark spot on my neck that itched like crazy! I tried several different oils and finally found a combination that worked. Frankincense, Rose, and Cedarwood. And it not only worked, but it disappeared but reappeared when I was eating foods like ice cream, fast food, highly processed food...You know, the stuff we really shouldn't be eating. Well, after the summer, I developed a rash on my wrists, then another on my chest, then my back. I was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on! I finally went to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with lunar eczema. The steroid cream he had me on worked for a bit and then didn't.
Well, a few weeks ago, I had the worst flare up under my arms. I was talking to a friend of mine and she asked if I had tried the Yarrow Pom. I hadn't, so of course, I started using it right away. When I spoke with her a few days later I told her it wasn't really doing much. She said it helped get rid of hers and was surprised it wasn't working for me. Then she asked if I was using the oil or the body serum. I was using the oil. So I started using the body serum and guess what? IT WORKS!!!
Do you suffer from a skin issue? If you have tried everything and nothing seems to help, email me! I will send you a sample!