Ever have one of those days that are so busy that you don't have time for any hiccups?
That was my Friday... Everything was running smoothly until I hopped in the shower and was surprised to see I was sharing it with a spider! Thankfully it was a little guy! I tried to get him to swing over to the wall, but he didn't want to go that way. So I hopped out of the shower and placed him on a hand towel. Back in the shower I went. Then a couple minutes later, I ran out of water. Great! I forgot to turn the water pump back on after I started the generator. I got out of the shower, walked all the way to the breaker box dripping wet with a towel and turned the breaker on. Back in the shower I went. Finally was able to warm up and take a shower (so I thought.) Just as I was rinsing, the lights went out and the water trickled to a stop. The power went out. (Insert a big eye roll and a "Are you freaking kidding me!")
Why did the power go out? you may be wondering...Well, in the mornings, if our batteries are low and if we use something that draws a lot of power, like the water pump, it can shut off the power completely. And even though I was using the generator, the batteries hadn't had enough time to build up before the pump kicked on again. Therefore, I started my very busy day with one of the most unpleasant showers ever.
Lesson 1: Check shower for spiders before you jump in.
Lesson 2: Make sure you have plenty of juice before you run your pump for a shower or else it may end up a short, cold one in the dark.
Wow! Yourniverse was really trying to get your attention!